Annites Values

  • Turn your youth into a good cause, be a Lasallian volunteer.

    Do you like to turn your youth into a cause that makes a positive difference in the community and have a pleasant memory reflecting that any day of your life thereafter? If so, this invitation from the De La Salle Brothers to volunteerism is a perfect opportunity for you.

    Volunteerism is a noble conduct of offering your time and labor for community service with the selfless intention of helping people. This program primarily aimed at students from La Sallian institutes who have just completed the A Level exam which began at the end of January this year.

    The volunteer program mainly focuses on academics by educating children. What more treasure could you pass on than to help little minds in their studies? Since most of you will arrive at this right after your exams, this program is ideal for you.

    In addition to being able to serve your community, you will also have the opportunity to live alongside the Reverend Brothers for the entire duration and get to know and learn from them. At your discretion, you can enroll in 3-month or 6-month duration. During this period you will be provided with accommodation although you may also choose to travel daily.

    In recognition of your service and commitment to helping others, all candidates who successfully complete their volunteer program will receive a 'Certificate for Volunteerism'.

    ? To join this volunteer program, please scan the QR code or follow the link below to fill out the form ?

    The form is open until March 08.