Post Message

cristy rajitha

I was a student from 1982 t0 1984, I love SAC

Thursday, 20 October 2016
Asitha Katupitiya

Hello the Annites,

It is really poignant to see the S.A.C website shaping up. Well done! This is the only school I attended (from 1969-1981) and made me a person with "POSSUMUS" attitude. Sad to hear passing of Bro. Alexander Cyrillus who knew almost every boy of the school by name. What a dedicated man for boy's education in Sri Lanka.

Proud Annite.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016
Amila Robise

Hi Everybody,

I was a student from 1999 to 2012. I spent my whole childhood in my school St. Anne's College. It was a light to my entire life. Today I'm here because of my school. It's really Great to be an ANNITE. Hats off!!

Thank you!!!

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Thanks with regard to furnishing such well put together content.

Sunday, 04 November 2012
Chandana Kithalagama

It is good to see a new branding for the web site. Thanks for all those who brought this up and running.

Thursday, 27 October 2011