We are on the eve of the new year and all of us in the Annites family had a year to remember. St. Anne's College shone time and again throughout the year for a variety of feats at all levels in extra and co-curricular settings. Building on the glory left by all that has been achieved, let's look forward to an even better year as we wish each and everyone a Happy New Year.

More than 2,000 years ago, the Savior of mankind descended on earth. Every year, regardless of our current circumstances, we can find renewed hope and joy as we remember the blessing that came into the world that first #Christmas night. As we commemorate the birth of Christ, let us reflect on his enormous sacrifice and do our part in making the world a better place for everyone. St. Anne's College wishes you all a Very Merry Christmas.

In this festival of ?lights, may the cloud of darkness fade away to pave the way to enlighten everyone's life. Happy ?Deepavali!

As our Muslim community prepares for one of its most auspicious festivals in celebration of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, we at St. Anne's College wish Eid Milad un Nabi Mubarak to all our Muslim brothers and their loved ones. May peace, which is the essence of Islam, pour down on the earth to heal all mankind.