Post Message

Shamal Mark De Saram

I think this site is very usefull for evry person who visit it . God Bless! 

Thursday, 24 July 2008
sampath jayarathna

Great work, Keep up the good work guys......One thing though, this is just a suggestion. The Flash Banner is bit fuzzy i mean, the colors, quality of the images and the text. I really really appreciate if someone can work on it. Other than that, nice work ANNITES......

sampath (99\' A/L Math)

Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Chathura Abeysooriya

I am delighted by seeing this web site, the place I learnt ABC. I was in from 1982 to 1991. I can recall all those good days I spent in this school, and all the teachers, priciples and friends come to my mind and I feel as if I am walking through the school.
Thanks St. Anne\'s.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Kalinga De Silva

Hey , Hats off to the great Annites who were behind this wonderful website .

Couldnt have asked for more.I am ashamed of myself for not giving any contrbution .....cheers.keep up the good work !!!!

Saturday, 19 July 2008
Sanjeewa Ranasinghe

Sorry for early message that name must correct like as a Annites.

If this site can update regular upcomming events at college it is very usefull.

Sunday, 13 July 2008