Post Message

P.H.Rajitha Sujana H

Hi!!!!!!!!!!! Annites, I think I am fortunate to study in this college. I wish all the best for Annites.

Saturday, 16 August 2008
Shamal Mark De Saram

I think this site is very usefull for evry person who visit it . God Bless! 

Thursday, 24 July 2008
sampath jayarathna

Great work, Keep up the good work guys......One thing though, this is just a suggestion. The Flash Banner is bit fuzzy i mean, the colors, quality of the images and the text. I really really appreciate if someone can work on it. Other than that, nice work ANNITES......

sampath (99\' A/L Math)

Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Chathura Abeysooriya

I am delighted by seeing this web site, the place I learnt ABC. I was in from 1982 to 1991. I can recall all those good days I spent in this school, and all the teachers, priciples and friends come to my mind and I feel as if I am walking through the school.
Thanks St. Anne\'s.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Kalinga De Silva

Hey , Hats off to the great Annites who were behind this wonderful website .

Couldnt have asked for more.I am ashamed of myself for not giving any contrbution .....cheers.keep up the good work !!!!

Saturday, 19 July 2008