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Mission Statement

Our Educational Institution aims at developing the Human Personality: through the guidance of the Spirit with Religious Values, respect for authority, mutual understanding, developing the power of thinking, stabilizing good health through sports and thus ensuring their availability for Service to the Community.

Vision Statement

This Institution, found on the Lasallian Spirit, inspired with Human, Social and Gospel Values, is dedicated to educate wholesome Citizens for Sri Lanka; Citizens who could and will take their place responsibly in society.


St Anne's College, Kurunegala,
Sri Lanka.



Astronomical Society

  • Annite claimed most popular astrophotograph

    St. Anne's College's astrophotograph was voted the most popular at the Star Party '25 Astrophotography Competition.

  • Annites Astronomical Society ranked fifth out of 54 teams nationwide.

  • College Astronomical Society shines again

    The College Astronomical Society is unstoppable as they shine again with an impressive 256 ASTERI Points.

  • Overview of the Journey of Tharaka Udayanaga

    Success is not an overnight achievement; it's the result of persistent effort and constant determination. Here we are looking at an overview of the journey of Tharaka Udayanga, who claimed the 1st rank in our district (and secured the 7th place in the island) in Physical Science stream of the GCE Advanced Level Examination 2022. Along this path to his outstanding accomplishment, he accumulated numerous significant achievements.

    Tharaka was admitted to St. Anne's College in the second grade in 2009. From then on, he actively participated in both extracurricular and curricular activities. In the fourth grade, he represented Sri Lanka at the 2011 Asian Chess Championship in India. As a little child, he successfully completed his primary education, scoring 181 on the Grade 5 Scholarship Examination. His high score qualified him to participate in the 2013 Sri Lankan Junior Science Olympiad (SLJSO), where he received awards for his performances.

    In the sixth grade, Tharaka once again represented Sri Lanka at the 2014 Asian Chess Championship, held in Taiwan. Following this, he ventured into mathematics and science competitions, participating nationally and internationally. In 2015, he claimed a bronze medal at the 12th International Mathematics and Science Olympiad (IMSO) in Thailand. In 2017, he received national recognition at the Sri Lankan Junior Science Olympiad (SLJSO) and subsequently won another bronze medal at the International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) in Botswana in 2018. Tharaka's journey continued in 2019 when he took part in the South African International Mathematics Competition (SAIMC) and secured yet another bronze medal.

    Tharaka continued to be involved in both extracurricular and curricular activities in College. He became a prefect in the ninth grade. In the same year, he joined the Senior Western Cadet Band and rose to the rank of Lance Corporal. He remained in the cadet band until he completed his GCE O Levels. In the Ordinary Level Examination, he earned nine distinctions in English medium. During his Advanced Level years, he joined the Astronomical Society of St. Anne's College and became its President.

    Earlier this month, the results of the 2022 Advanced Level Examination were released, and Tharaka was ranked 1st in the district and 7th in the island in Physical Science stream. This is a fitting end to his College journey, which was filled with major achievements and milestones. As he embarks on his higher education, we at St. Anne's College extend our heartfelt wishes to Tharaka for his future endeavors and for the pursuit of all his dreams.


    Tharaka Udayanga: Ranked 1st in district & 7th in Island at GCE A/L 2022(2023)

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