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Mission Statement

Our Educational Institution aims at developing the Human Personality: through the guidance of the Spirit with Religious Values, respect for authority, mutual understanding, developing the power of thinking, stabilizing good health through sports and thus ensuring their availability for Service to the Community.

Vision Statement

This Institution, found on the Lasallian Spirit, inspired with Human, Social and Gospel Values, is dedicated to educate wholesome Citizens for Sri Lanka; Citizens who could and will take their place responsibly in society.


St Anne's College, Kurunegala,
Sri Lanka.



Annites in Need

  • Urgent: Help save Isuru's life!

    Isuru Herath urgently needs 3.5 million rupees for a sudden brain surgery before July 22. He is an old boy of St. Anne's College and currently a final year student at the University of Moratuwa, Department of Earth Resources Engineering. Your help can save his life!

  • Urgent: Let us all come together to support our fellow Annite Roshan Pinnapola in his time of need

    Roshan Pinnapola, a 2019 alumnus of St. Anne's College, recently underwent critical brain surgery due to bursting of a clot. During this procedure, a portion of his skull had to be removed. Now, he requires another surgery to reattach the removed portion of his skull. To make this possible, Roshan urgently needs 7 Lakhs before August 25.

    It is our moment to stand by our old boy and extend our helping hand. You can contribute by sending your donations to the following accounts:

    ● Hatton National Bank, Kurunegala Branch
    ○ Account Number: 019020106091
    ○ Bank Code: 7083, Branch Code: 019
    ○ Name: P A J R Pinnapola

    ● People’s Bank, Kurunegala Branch
    ○ Account Number: 012100140418470
    ○ Name: Old Boys' Association St. Anne's College Kurunegala

    As Annites, we have always been there for one another in times of need, haven't we? Your generous contribution will make a significant difference. Together, let's support our dear Roshan during this challenging time. It's time to donate!

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